Traditional lessons that teach children

to read music and play piano

There are many courses that say they will teach you how to play music. They may have a young, exuberant teacher or a celebrity selling the course. But they don't teach you the basics and fundamentals of how to read music.

This course has an experienced music teacher who, back in the days of private lessons, you would invite into your home to teach your child. She teaches in the same format she taught many children in their homes, in a friendly, easy way that your child can understand. 

Here's what's in the course

  • 14 Music Lesson Videos
  • Lesson Book to download with all the course content
  • It includes songs suitable for children and quizzes to make learning fun
  • Learn about the Treble & Bass Clefs and other musical symbols
  • How to play with their right and left hand
  • The value of the notes and how to read them in the music, including dotted notes
  • Bar Lines and Time Signatures
  • All about the keys on the piano including sharps and flats
  • No need for stickers on the piano keys - your child will KNOW them
  • Reading the music in the Treble and Bass in a fun way
  • Little tricks to help read the notes in the music
  • Learn how to play scales, arpeggios and chords and have fun with them
  • Learn the structure of the chords and how to play them in any key
  • No need for chord charts - your child will KNOW them
  • Learn how to play songs using chords as well as reading the bass line
  • Learn how to vamp rhythmically

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