Welcome to our Music Lessons for Children!

20% of kids learn to play music - 70% of adults wish they had!

· Presented by Margaret in a friendly one-on-one format just like her private music lessons

·  It's like having a private music teacher in your living room teaching your child

·  She has taught children for many years and makes the lessons fun

·  A music teacher for your child that you can trust

Benefits for children:

  • Improved learning and memory skills
  • Focus and concentration
  • Creative thinking and lateral problem solving
  • Perseverance, discipline and responsibility
  • Confidence, fun & friendship

Benefits for parents:

  • Save time - no driving to lessons after school
  • Save money – videos cover approximately 12 months of private lessons
  • Play the videos as often as you like
  • Use them for all your children, saving you even more

What's in the course

  • 14 Music Lesson Videos
  • Lesson Book to download with all the course content
  • It includes songs suitable for children and quizzes to make the learning experience fun
  • Learn about the Treble & Bass Clefs and other musical symbols
  • How to play with their right and left hand
  • The value of the notes and how to read them in the music, including dotted notes
  • Bar Lines and Time Signatures
  • All about the keys on the piano including sharps and flats
  • No need for stickers on the piano keys - your child will KNOW them
  • Reading the music in the Treble and Bass in a fun way
  • Little tricks to help read the notes in the music
  • Learn how to play scales, arpeggios and chords and have fun with them
  • Learn the structure of the chords and how to play them in any key
  • No need for chord charts - your child will KNOW them
  • Learn how to play songs using chords as well as reading the bass line
  • Learn how to vamp rhythmically

You can open up the world of music for your child today

Give your child the gift of music, it lasts a lifetime

Hi, I’m Margaret Bennett-Hall

I am passionate about teaching children to read music and play piano, so I formed the iLearn Music Club to help give children the same opportunity that I had when I was a child.

I started learning piano when I was 7 years old and played piano accordion with my brother at functions throughout my teenage years and loved every minute of it.  

In later years I played piano at many functions - weddings, parties, with bands small and large, for choirs and singers and in church, both in Australia and overseas. Music has enriched my life and I have made many lifelong friends.

I have been teaching young children to play the piano and read music for many years, and I now want to bring my lessons to as many children as possible and help make it easier for parents to access music lessons for their child online.